Monday, March 21, 2005

Lost Cause

Ever thought that you could run by one of those amazingly horrible relationships and still come out unscathed? Well - really -, NO. In the cycle of life, one really has a million relationships to handle - now i'm no expert on what psychology has to say about it or even a more philosophical individual but here's my take on the uneventful psyche on relationships: the simpler ones are with the milkman, fish monger, news paper boy which has that simple give and take equation, a smile here and there ending in customer satifaction and entrepreneurial profit-making. The ones we are born with (has more relevance) are the one with a bit more life molding / changing effects - for example the one with the Mother, father, Brother, even Girlfriend, Wife, etc.....The twisted ones are the one that form milestones / anecdotes of emotional and mindblowing heartaches and breakdowns in our lives. I mean these are the ones that you'd look back and say what-the-hell-were-you-thinking?? These are the more non-descript type of ones - classic example the Ex-girlfriend. Now take sometime to ponder and think...the ex-girlfriend for whatever reason:
1. is always going to be the point-of-irate when brought in conversation with the current girlfriend
2. always calls once in a while to check on ur current success status
3. will be an at least initial comparison to the rest of the girlfriends for you to pick the BBD - the bigger better deal :)
4. Although will eventually fade away from screen presence and material memory (we all get old C'mon!!) the current girlfriend will bring her back to form legendary yet worthless at the same time - and since you have erased all memory (substantial at least) the twist begins to whip you in the ass.
Now the relevance of the above insinuations are based on this fantastic song by Beck to help rubbish those inadvertently useless twisted relationships that once formed a catastrophic kick-in-the-loins. If you'd ever think you'd find yourself riding with a lost cause take a listen to the lyrics of lost cause by Beck...........Thank me later :)

Your sorry eyes, they cut through bone.
They make it hard to leave you alone.
Leave you here, wearin your wounds
Waving your guns at somebody new.
Baby you're a lost, Baby you're a lost,
Baby you're a lost cause
Too many people you used to know
They see you coming they see you go.
They know your secrets and you know theirs
This town is crazy, but nobody cares.
Baby you're a lost, Baby you're a lost,
Baby you're a lost cause.
I'm tired of fighting, I'm tired of fighting,
Fighting for a lost cause.
There's a place where you are going
You ain't never been before
There's no one laughing at your back now
No one standing at your door
Is that what you thought love was for?
Baby you're a lost, Baby you're a lost.
Baby you're a lost cause.
I'm tired of fighting, I'm tired of fighting,
Fighting for a lost cause.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its great to read about how you are indirectly stating your discomfort with your current GF. If you think that current GF makes so much of a fuss then I suggest.. Leave her and walk back on those paths where the old one is waiting with the open arms